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Dr. Adams-Bass’ research interests are how racial socialization and racial identity influence the identity development process of Black adolescents. She also investigates how racial socialization and racial identity relate to the interpretation of stereotyped Black media images and what relationships exist between exposure to these images and the body image and self esteem of Black youth.
She is most interested in examining how racial/ethnic socialization experiences are related to the process of identity development, the social and the academic experiences of Black children and youth and how media exposure influences inter-personal interactions and self concept.
Research Interests
African American Adolescents
Positive Youth Development
Culturally Relevant Professional Development
Racial/Ethnic Identity
Identity Development
Racial Socialization
Culturally relevant interventions
Body Image
Published Work
Scholarly Papers, Book Chapters, Research Briefs & Reports
Coleman-King, Adams-Bass, V.N., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Thomas, D., C, Thompson, C., Michael, A., Miller G., Charity-Parker, B.M. & Stevenson, H.C. (2021). Got Skillz? Recasting and Negotiating Racial Tension in Teacher-Student Relationships Amidst Shifting Demographics Social Science.
Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Stevenson, H. C., Thomas, D. E., Adams-Bass, V. N., & Coleman-King, C. (2020). Teaching scared: Pre-service Teacher Appraisals of Racial Stress, Socialization and Classroom Management Self-Efficacy. Social Psychology of Education, 23, 1233-1257. doi: 10.1007/s11218-020-09578-8.
Bentley-Edwards, K. L., Smith, L. V., Robbins, P. A. & Adams-Bass, V. N. (2019). Out of the Hood, but Not Out of the Woods: The School Engagement and Cohesion of Black Students Based on Exposure to Violence and Victimization. Journal of Urban Issues.51(4):1-19.doi: 10.1007/s11256-019-00517-2
Chapman-Hilliard, C. & Adams-Bass, V.N. (2015). A Conceptual Framework for Utilizing Black history Knowledge as a Path to Psychological Liberation for Black Youth. Journal of Black Psychology, 42(6),479-507.doi: 10.1177/0095798415597840
Adams-Bass, V.N., Bentley-Edwards, K. L., & Stevenson H. (2014). That’s Not Me I See on TV: African American Youth Interpret Images of Black Females. Women, Gender and Families of Color, 2(1), 79-100. doi:10.5406/womgenfamcol.2.1.0079
Adams-Bass, V.N., Stevenson H., & Slaughter-Kotzin, D. (2014). Measuring the Meaning of Black Media Stereotypes and Their Relationship to the Racial Identity, and Racial/Ethnic Socialization of African- American Youth. Journal of Black Studies, 45(5), 367-395. doi.org/10.1177/0021934714530396
Stark C., Adams-Bass V., Devine C., & Dollahite, J. (2013). Building the Capability of Extension Professionals to Apply an Ecological Approach to Preventing Childhood Obesity in their Communities. Journal Nutritional Education and Behavior, 45(4S), S89.doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2013.04.249
Stark C, Adams V, Devine C., & Dollahite J. (2012). Building the Capability of Extension Professionals to Apply an Ecological Approach to Preventing Childhood Obesity in Their Communities. Journal of Nutritional Education and Behavior, 44 (4), S91.doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2012.03.233
Adams-Bass, V.N. (2020). Programming in Virtual Space Expanding the Doors of Public Libraries: A Place for Teens. School Library Connection, 6, pp 17-19 https://schoollibraryconnection.com/content
Adams-Bass, V.N. (2020). Black American Parenting During the CoViD-19Crisis. Successful Black Parent Magazine. https://successfulblackparenting.com/2020/05/12/black-american-parenting-during-the-covid-19-crisis/
Adams-Bass, V.N., & Coleman-King, C.C. (2021). The Guardians of Black Joy: Freedom Schools as Spaces of Healing and Protection. In T.O. Jackson and N. Flowers (Eds). Black Mother Educators: Advancing Praxis for Access, Equity and Achievement. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
Adams-Bass, V.N. (2021). A Matter of Media: Cultural Appropriation and Expectations of Black Girls In S. J. Arki, B. Delano-Orriaran, A. Michael, E. Moore, M. W. Penick-Parks & O. Swindell (Eds.), Teaching Brilliant and Beautiful Black Girls. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press.
Adams-Bass, V.N. & Bentley-Edwards, K. L. (2020). The Trouble with Black Girl Magic for Black Girls. In Strong Black Girls Reclaiming Schools in Their Own Image. Apugo, D. Mawhinney, L. and Mbilishaka, A. (Eds.), Teachers College Press.
Adam-Bass, V.N., Henrici, E. (2019). Hardly Ever…I Don’t See it: Black Youth Speak about Positive Media Images of Black Men. In Banjo, O.(Ed.) Media Across the African Diaspora, Content, Audiences and Influence. Routledge: New York.
Chapman-Hilliard, C. Holman, A., Adams-Bass, V., & Pace, S. (2019). The difference Black history
knowledge can make: A consideration of psychosocial influences. In King, L. (Ed.), Perspectives on teaching Black history in schools (pp. 227 – 250). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Deutsch, N.L., Williams, J.L. & Adams-Bass, V.N. (2019). Diversity in Extended Education in the United States. In Bae, S., Mahoney, J., Maschke, S., and Stecher, L. (Eds) International developments in research on extended education: Perspectives on extracurricular activities, after-school programs, and all-day schools. Barbara Budrich Publishers: Berlin.
Adam-Bass, V.N. (2017). Remain Firm. In Moore, E.; Michael, A. &Penick-Parks, M. (Eds) The Guide for White Women who Teach Black Boys. Thousand Oaks: Corwin.
Bentley-Edwards, K. L., & Adams-Bass, V.N. (2013). The Whole Picture: Examining Black
Women Through the Life Span. In Afrikan American Women: Living at the Crossroads of Race, Gender, Class, and Culture. H. O. Jackson Lowman (Ed.), Cognella Press/University Readers.
Adams, V.N., & Stevenson H. (2012). Media Socialization, Black Media Images and Black
Adolescent Identity. In Slaughter-Defoe, D. (Ed.) Racial Stereotyping and Child Development
Contributions to Human Development. Basel: Karger.
Bentley, K., Adams, V.N., & Stevenson H. (2008). Racial Socialization: Roots Processes and
Outcomes. In Handbook of African American Psychology. Neville, H., Tynes, B., & Utsey, S.
Sage Publications.
Gaylord-Harden, N., Adams-Bass, V.N., Bogan, E., Francis, L., Scott, J., Seaton, E., Williams, J. (2020). Addressing Inequities in Education: Considerations for Black Children and Youth in the Era of COVID-19. Society for Research on Child Development, Washington D.C.
Co-Author, (2020). Practical Findings from the Virginia School Climate Survey Students’
Perceptions of Belonging at School Issue 21 Virginia Youth Violence Project, Charlottesville, VA
Adams-Bass, V.N., Atchison, D., & Moore L. (2015). Pilot-to-Purchase, Piloting Ed-tech
Products in k-12 Public Schools. Digital Promise, Washington, D.C.
Adams, V.N. (2002). Penn State Educational Partnership Program Evaluation (PEPP) Robert Vaux site.
Adams-Bass, V.N. (2020, May 1st) Black American Parenting During the CoViD-19 Crisis
Adams-Bass, V.N. (2019, March 7). ). More than Reading, Writing, and ‘Rithmetic: Racial Socialization for Black Children
Adams-Bass, V.N. (2017, April, 10). The Power of Youth Driven Civic Engagement.
Adams-Bass, V.N. (2017, March, 21). Media Socialization, Racial Stereotypes and Black Adolescent Identity.
Adams-Bass, V.N. (2016, October, 31st). Itching for Scratch. The Youth-Nex Blog